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Maryville Academy Launches Parent Cafés in Austin
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Maryville Academy Launches Parent Cafés in Austin

Maryville is committed to facilitating meaningful collaborative conversations with parents to help them achieve greater success in their parenting initiatives. We are able to facilitate transformative conversations by creating a safe space for parents to share and learn from each other. We have already seen partnerships forming amongst participants. Parents have the ability to feel connected to other parents which provides support to them. The peer-to-peer sharing and learning is exciting to watch.

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Your Children Are Not Your Children.
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Your Children Are Not Your Children.

No matter where I am on my (growth) journey as a parent, that first line of Gibran’s poem always gets me; a punch, right in my gut. It’s a natural, normal parental reaction to an obvious fact—I birthed them, raised them, loved and nurtured them, provided and protected them, encouraged and supported all of their hopes and dreams. So yes, they belong to me!

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Basking in the MMMM with Journey to Vitality
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Basking in the MMMM with Journey to Vitality

Yesterday someone dissed my Vitality goal. He said, “How are you going to achieve a goal unless it’s specific?” Dismissively. Derisively. I’ve been thinking a lot about that. Because the conventional wisdom is that a goal has to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Appetizing, Reasonable, Time-Limited) to be good.

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Parent Cafés Meet Micro-Enterprise in Nairobi, Kenya
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Parent Cafés Meet Micro-Enterprise in Nairobi, Kenya

On June 1, 2018, I visited my friends who are the Soweto Forum Parent Café (Kikao Cha Wazazi) Team in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. I first went to Kibera in 2015 as part of an early childhood initiative sponsored by the Utopia Foundation called Harambee Toto (coming together for the little ones). That initiative was responsible for building the beautiful center where today’s meeting was hosted. My part was to train members of the Soweto Forum (a 14-year-old community organizing and housing rights activist group) in the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors and Parent Cafés.

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Encountering and Accommodating the “Other”
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Encountering and Accommodating the “Other”

My heart broke when I listened to the recording of a 911 call made to police by a woman on a campus tour at Colorado State University to report two young men who had joined the tour because “They just really stand out. When I asked what they were wanting to study I could tell they were making stuff up because one of them started to laugh about it” and their “behavior is just really odd.” She described the two young men as “Hispanic,” noting that one stated that he was “from Mexico.”  She added: :If it's nothing, I'm sorry, but they, it actually made me feel, like, sick.”

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The Power of Our Words
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The Power of Our Words

It happened. Again. Hip-hop artist Kanye West has inserted his foot into his mouth. In a recent interview with TMZ, the artist is quoted as saying that “slavery was a choice.” The video went viral and ever since then, the floodgates of commentary and memes have not stopped flowing. Perhaps that was Kanye’s intention; to create buzz or start a conversation.  He wouldn’t be the first celebrity guilty of stirring up buzz to boost his own star potential. And while that “shine” may elevate one star’s ego, what’s the overarching impact of the “shade”?

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Bolstering Families’ Immune Systems through Parent Cafés
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Bolstering Families’ Immune Systems through Parent Cafés

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about Be Strong Families’ theory of change underlying Parent Cafés. What I mean by this is: why do we believe / know that getting people in touch with their deepest desires, their dreams for themselves and their families, and their best selves makes a long-term difference in the way they parent? Why do we believe / know that when parents get together in emotionally safe spaces to share with each other, without judgment, that lasting change in their relationships to themselves and their kids occurs? 

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