BSF Institute: On Demand Trainings
Featuring Guest Presenters
This class features guest speakers from Allies in Recovery as they introduce CRAFT: Community Reinforcement and Family Training - a scientifically proven alternative approach to Al-Anon, for families struggling with the addiction of a loved one. It draws on the principles of positive reinforcement. Family members will get concrete suggestions based on sound psychological principles and essential self-care skills.
The experience of burnout in the workplace is at an all-time high. The common-place solutions to burnout are often superficial and ineffective. They don’t get to the heart of the issues. In this presentation, we will explore the main causes of burnout and the creative solutions to address burnout in our stressed out world.
We know that youth have qualities that make them extraordinary. However, the language we use, how we interact with them, and the environment we create for their development is crucial to their belief in themselves. Together we will explore approaching youth development at work and home by focusing on what is good and working well, and how to address challenges with a strength-based approach. Leave this session with applicable tools to embed the concepts in the important work of youth development
A workshop to explore best practices in engaging, establishing trust and exploring parenting strategies with fathers for the benefit of their children and families. This workshop is for family support workers and practitioners engaged in direct services and for those in the working in private and public systems that support family strengthening initiatives. Featuring: Chad M. Morris, with over 12 years of experience in the Human Services field, CEO at Trinity Family Life Center in Richmond, VA.
This training focuses on race-based stress for young children. Dr. Cirecie West-Olatunji will discuss what is known about race-based stress and how to identify the symptoms among young children. More importantly, we offer solutions and interventions that can be implemented to arm children against threats to their self-esteem, self-actualization, and self-identity to promote healthy emotional and psychological well-being and lifelong success.