Community Violence Prevention
Community Violence Prevention
Be Strong Families has always realized the importance of community violence prevention, understanding the important role that parents play in raising children to be non- violent.
In 2013-2014 BSF implemented a comprehensive prevention program with community members in 21 of Chicago’s most statistically violent communities. Our parent cafes continue to be a key tool in fostering conversations and engaging communities in the shared goal of reducing violence
BSF was recently awarded the South Carolina Community Violence Intervention & Prevention (CVIP) grant funded by the Dept. of Public Health. In South Carolina in communities disproportionately affected by violence, BSF is implementing two key programs to focus on gun violence and safety and nonviolence in the home. The Healthy
Living Program: Put Down the Guns” program focuses on educating youth on gun violence and gun prevention. The classes are attended by youth who have been adjudicated or fascinated with guns and their parents or a trusted adult. Parents or the trusted adult then have the opportunity to attend evidence informed Parent Cafes that focus on safety and nonviolent parenting in the home. The three-café series focuses on: 1) Keeping your Child Safe, 2) Knowing your home is Safe 3) Raising Safe Children, providing parents or the trusted adult the opportunity to continue to explore how to keep their home safe from gun violence.
Please reach out to Be Strong Families at stayconnected@bestrongfamilies.net if you are interested in learning how to expand these initiatives into your community.