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The Priceless Gifts of Connecting and Being Seen
On December 11, 2018, Be Strong Families and Foothill Family Services hosted a Holiday Caregiver Appreciation Event to recognize relative caregivers in Southern California for their dedication to family, loving persistence and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure a positive future for the children in their families.
New Video Resource: What is a Parent Café?
Be Strong Families is thrilled to present our new Parent Café video, developed in partnership with the Bainum Family Foundation.
Post-Thanksgiving Reflections on Coming Together & Goodness
Family is their most important core value. My (& Be Strong Families’) mantra is “Connecting. Conversing. Transforming.” I am committed to creating A More Perfect Union by bringing people together in Cafés to have safe conversations to bridge differences. To find common ground through common values. To building community and peace. Yet I couldn’t even converse with, much less transform, my own extended family. I could only relate well to my political allies in the family and commiserate and bond with them over the inconceivability and embarrassment of having relatives in “that camp” — who won’t be educated or argued out of it. I felt like a fraud.
Dream Our Preferred Future
On November 13, 2018, 21 staff, board members, parent leaders, and partners gathered in Pasadena to kick off the second phase of our strategic planning process: Dream.
My Journey to Vitality
To write this blog, I had to be authentic and dig deep to a place where things fell apart so that I could share with you how living the Protective Factors and starting a journey to vitality are helping me put them back together.
Without Hitting, Yelling, Shaming, Intimidating: What’s a Parent To Do?
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued their strongest statement yet against spanking (which they defined as “noninjurious, openhanded hitting with the intention of modifying child behavior”) and also said to avoid non-physical punishment that is humiliating, scary, or threatening.
So, what’s a parent to do?
One Person’s Truth is Another Person’s Hate: Grappling with Anti-Semitism while Pursuing Liberty and Justice for All
In the wake of last weekend’s Pittsburgh massacre of elderly Jews at prayer in their synagogue, it’s not surprising to see a Be Strong Families blog about anti-Semitism. But we wrote this last week and what we said then is still true now. It’s just easier to surface.
Parent Engagement through the Lens of Equity
Weiss et al. highlight how family engagement is key to achieving equity for kids in schools, and offer examples of how engaging parents as co-creators, co-learners, community-builders and decision-makers creates the condition for equitable learning.
Living the Protective Factors
When most people think about the Protective Factors, they think of parenting or child welfare. Eight years after my introduction to them, I am finally beginning to think about the Protective Factors as a framework for a happy, fulfilled life.
My Forever Home
No one ever talks about successful foster homes. We always do the contrary. Today I want to share how critical and influential my forever home has been to my life. This home gave me hope and wisdom.