Illinois Youth In Care: Youth Advisory Affinity Groups
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has created Youth Advisory Affinity Groups (YAAG) for members and allies of the African American, Asian American, Latino, Native American, and LGBTQIA+ communities. YAAGs provide space, support, education, coaching and advocacy for Illinois youth in care to contribute to the change they want to see by sharing their voice, perspective, and experience. A round up of 2023 activities:
In January, the African American Affinity Group spent time discussing Martin Luther King Jr. and in February, learning about Black History month was their focus.
The Asian American Affinity Group celebrated Lunar New Year and made new year’s goals.
The Latino Affinity Group is planning for an IDCFS Latino board member to be a guest speaker.
The LGBTQI+ Affinity Group will be focusing on “No Name Calling Week” that was created by GLSEN and how they can use this in their everyday life.
The Native American Affinity Group is the newest group to coalesce and is just getting started with strategic planning.
YAAG members have opportunities to participate in specialized training sessions to gain knowledge and skills on leading equity, diversity, and inclusion practices. Be Strong Families staff member Alyssa Del Angel is the main adult partner for the YAAGs and hosts monthly meetings for each group to focus on EDI issues and concerns for marginalized communities and identify the greatest issues and challenges for youth in care related to racial and gender bias, disparity, and equity. Alyssa works side by side with group members to assist with the creation of recommendations and production of a collaborative project that will help with system improvements that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. DCFS Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is engaged to improve services, programs, policies and the experiences of youth in care. According to Alyssa, what’s most inspiring is “the community that has been built in these spaces. For example, the LGBTQI+ Youth Advisory Affinity Group added to the mission because it was important to them to have a safe space. “We as a group will move forward with Acceptance, Love, No Judgement, Respect, and Loyalty.” We continued the conversation of what a safe space is and how we can be that for all LGBTQI+ youth in care. They crave community, a place to speak openly, feel empowered, learn how to advocate for themselves/others, and learn as much as they can about the community they are in.”