Social Distancing: An Extrovert’s Kryptonite

Social distancing has created a void in my day. I miss the energy that people, and crowds bring into my life. I have tried a range of different social media platforms to connect with people—Duo, Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and FaceTime. While these have certainly helped, I still have a yearning for more. Each day I try to fill this void with a home improvement task, or even work, but my energy level is still low. It feels like the scene in Superman, when he first faces the green colored crystal that absorbs his energy. That substance is Kryptonite.

Kryptonite made its on-page debut in Superman #61 in 1949. Interestingly, this early version was red in color. In the later movie series, Kryptonite is a fictional material that appears primarily in Superman stories. In its most well-known form, it is a green, crystalline material originating from Superman's home world of Krypton.  It emits a peculiar radiation that weakens Superman. 

My Kryptonite made its appearance early in March. Social distancing had just been introduced to American day-to-day interaction as the COVID-19 outbreak gained a strong footing in the United States of America. For some, this was a welcome respite and needed break from day-to-day social interactions with various people at work, home or in the community. For extroverts, like me, social distancing is more like Kryptonite. A few years ago, I found that large groups and social environments bring energy to my day. Large venues, such as the Eagles stadium, are places where I thrive. I love feeling the warm embrace of high energy vibrations that always brightens my day. 

When the lockdown first began, I thought that I would be fine because I am not in the house alone. On a daily basis, I am surrounded by my husband, and three children ages 17, 11 and 9. I thought that my four loving family members, in addition to myself, would definitely be enough.  However, these last few weeks taught me that it’s more about quantity than quality. My family fills my heart each day with loads of love and special moments. But my inner extrovert has a need for more. 

I am forever reminded of the year that I worked for the Eagles and they won the Eastern Divisional Championship. The energy in the stadium was electric, radiating throughout the entire venue. The atmosphere was like nothing I had ever experienced. Tens of thousands of people joining together with mutual energy. It felt incredible. I got an added bonus too when I came home to a family of Eagles fans that kept the energy alive too late into the night!  I couldn’t even sleep that night because I was so full of energy. It may surprise you, but I am not even a fan of the Eagles. I am a fan of healthy and positive energy. 

I now find myself missing the option to be extroverted and am learning to live my new norm. I have been surviving, but this is a path I didn’t want to take. Just as Superman overcame Kryptonite, I too will overcome the effects social distancing somehow. 

Some tips for extroverts:

  • Talk to new people 

  • Attend webinars with new people

  • Take a ride to see friends and wave and smile and connect

  • Get outside in the sunshine and walk 

  • Suit up and go to the grocery store 

  • Play games — online with new people 

  • Write and send cards and letters the old-fashioned way 

Join us at our daily webinars and look forward to the virtual Cafés that will be coming soon. Those of you who already do Cafés, we’ll be hosting free online training for “Taking Your Cafés Online” Wednesdays and Fridays starting this week. Learn more about that and stay connected to others in the Café Community of Practice Facebook Group and contact us.

Article by: Nadia Washington


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