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From Money Stress to Money Wellness: A Workshop for Your Financial Well-being
Are you tired of feeling stressed about money? From juggling bills to navigating financial uncertainty, money stress can take a serious toll on our well-being. In this workshop, we’ll go beyond typical advice like “save more” or “spend less” and dive into the deeper roots of financial stress—the beliefs and patterns you may not even realize are holding you back.

Reflections on the Building a Parent Nation IEL Panel
Over 3500 people gathered together during the Institute for Educational Leadership Conference in early June for the National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference (CSxFE). Educators and family supporters met from around the country and across the pond in Los Angeles to discuss the development and sustainability of community schools, supporting parents, and students alike. One of the breakout sessions was a featured panel on Parent Nation…

Back to School
Summer is almost a wrap and the impact of COVID-19 continues to be felt as we head into the new school year. There are many unknowns, competing priorities, responsibilities, and concerns. We know that together, we will be able to grapple with the questions, learn from one other, share strategies and feel stronger and more positive as a result of coming together as a community to hash this out.